Friday, October 1, 2010

I finished The Catcher in the Rye by today. It was OK. It took me four days to finish though. When I was reading it, it was easy to read. When I wasn't reading it, it was hard to pick up.

Also, when I started reading it I realized I knew NOTHING about the plot. No one really talks about what happens in the book (maybe because not much happens in the book). People always talk about how much they love or hate Holden Caulfield. At times I thought he was a genius and at times I thought he was the most annoying character ever.

I'm off to start The Great Gatsby now. I read parts of it when I was a junior in high school (I think I even wrote a paper on it), but I've never read it all the way through.

And just for a laugh, here's the Book-A-Minute summary for The Catcher in the Rye:

Holden Caulfield Angst angst angst swear curse swear crazy crazy angst swear curse, society sucks, and I'm a stupid jerk. 

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