1. What are you reading right now? Animorphs 11: The Forgotten
2. How many books have you read so far? 2.5 (plus some of an audio book)
3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon? Not sure yet. I don't have a list and didn't pick out anything ahead of time. I'm just reading as the spirit moves me.
4. Did you have to make any special arrangements to free up your whole day? Unfortunately I had to work, so I haven't been reading all day.
5. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those? I had to work, but I tried to read as much as I could (I was babysitting) while away from home.
6. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far? How not daunting it's been. Maybe it's because I just had a huge break (we'll see how I'm doing in the early hours of the morning), but it hasn't been as challenging as I thought it would be.
7. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year? Nope. I might at the end though. We'll see.
8. What would you do differently, as a Reader or a Cheerleader, if you were to do this again next year? If I were able to participate for the full 24 hours, I might sign up as a Reader and a Cheerleader.
9. Are you getting tired yet? Not yet.
10. Do you have any tips for other Readers or Cheerleaders, something you think is working well for you that others may not have discovered? For me, I've read one YA title, one novel and a book of short stories. I think variety is the key. Also, even though I have a complex about finishing every book I start, for the read-a-thon, I would say if it doesn't interest you, pick up something else.
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