Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hour 19

Title of book(s) read since last update: I'm just finished Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson. Number of books read since you started: 4.5 plus part of a Harry Potter audiobook
Pages read since last update: 77
Running total of pages read since you started: 908
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 1hr  5 min
Running total of time spent reading since you started:
11 hr 25min
Mini-challenges completed:

My eyes are feeling very tired. It is time for a nap for reals. If there are no more updates from me, it means my nap turned into sleep. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen. To anyone still awake and reading/cheering, I applaud you.

1 comment:

  1. Hour 21

    Still at it I hope. Here's another cheer to keep you focused,

    hey red(clapx2)
    hey black(clapx2)
    hey reader(clapx2)
    hey red
    hey black
    hey reader

    go reader!!!!!
