Saturday, January 29, 2011

January Reading Challenges Summary

I know the month isn't over for two more days, but I don't want to wait.

Shakespeare Reading Challenge: 1/6
The 4 Month Challenge: Points for January: 115; Points total: 190
Off the Shelf Challenge: 7/30
TBR Dare: Going strong.

2011 progress:
Books read: 7
Pages read: 1,711

Every book I read this month came from my TBR pile. I have a very loose definition of TBR... it's basically any book I own that I haven't read yet. For the Off the Shelf challenge, all of the books counted must have been purchased before 2011... I think it might be the same for the TBR Dare? But this month my reading didn't include any books I've bought this year so it was easy keeping track.

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