Meme from here.
When and how did you find out about NaNoWriMo? From people's 101 in 1001 lists.
How many times have you done NaNoWriMo? Counting this one, one.
How many times have you won? If you haven’t won, what was your best result? n/a and n/a
How did you do last year (or your last participation)? n/a
Where do you write and with what do you write? I write in bed usually, or on the floor. I like to write lying down with my computer. I have however written parts of my novel in my car in a notebook with a pen.
How do you find time to write? I write in the morning. I usually make myself write for an hour straight. The first four days of writing I hit my word quota in that one hour of writing. If you divide it up evenly, writing 50,000 words in 30 days means you only have to write 1667 words a day. It's not that bad.(But I'm currently behind by ~5000 words... argh!)
Are your partners, friends and family allies or enemies? I've only told one other person I'm doing this. She's been great.
What are your strengths and what do you use to help you get to the end? I'm a fast typer. I don't have any issues with writing down everything that comes into my head for a particular scene. I think that's only because I'm not treating this like a real work. I know it's rough, I know a lot of it's crap.
What are you weaknesses, obstacles and challenges that hinder you from finishing? One of my weaknesses in writing is descriptive passages, but I'm trying to turn that into a strength by describing everything I can in my novel. It also adds to the word count, so bonus there. My biggest challenge is making myself write in the time I have. Sometimes it's hard to get started. Once I do though, I'm usually OK for the day.
Do you plot/outline/plan or do you write by the seat of your pants? How much do you plot or how unprepared are you? I plotted a little before the month started and I try to have a rough idea of what scene I'm going to write next when I stop each day. That way I can jump right into the writing the next morning. But I am currently learning a lot about my characters and the story as it goes along. I have no idea how it's going to end.
Do you participate in the real life community, go to write ins and meet ups in your area? I don't have time. They all meet when I'm busy.
What are your writing aids? Special snacks, music, totems, rewards or punishments? I rewarded myself with a prize when I hit 10,000 words. I have another prize for when I hit 25,000 words. I try not to listen to music or do anything else while I'm writing. That way I really concentrate on what I'm doing.
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